- Elixir Palindrome Detector Use Elixir to determine if a given string is a palindrome
- 99 Bottles of Elixir... Count down 99 bottles of Elixir song, in processes
- New Year Countdown in Elixir Countdown from today until the next New Year
- Elixir Rock Paper Scissors Write an Elixir program that can play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
- Elixir Christmas Tree Puzzle Create a Christmas tree using elixir
- Elixir Quine Self-Replicating Program Create an Elixir Quine, Self-Replicating Program
- The Elixir Caesar Cipher Create a Caesar Cipher algorithm and encrypt a message.
- Elixir FizzBuzz Golf Elixir FizzBuzz from 1 to 100
- Number to Even/Odd String Use local input to enter an integer and return a string of each digit being even/odd